A downloadable game

In a world where silence reigns supreme, the protagonist finds themselves in a dense woodland environment that was once governed by a woodland wildlife care board. As the protagonist scouts and examines their surroundings, they come to the conclusion that they are far from any human life in what was once a decently populated area by members of the board.

The protagonist finds a paper trail of notes that lead them to a hidden vault explaining the emergency evacuation of all board members that were present at the time. As they keep reading and investigating, it appears to them that an unknown event known as 'The Beckoning' took place. Vastly confused, the protagonist begins to reassess their surroundings and begins to notice cult sigils and markings within their vicinity. Etched into some trees, rocks, soft ground, animal skin and rotting corpses, a sigil can be discovered. Local wildlife begin to get more noisy as the protagonist continues to make shocking discoveries.

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